Christine (37) is an emergency doctor and saves lives on a daily basis. Accordingly, she knows that time and efficient deployment management play an important role in emergency situations. Despite her expertise, some rescue missions are hampered by time-delaying factors such as unstructured information transfer - for example to the respective target hospital. As a passionate doctor, Christine wants her patients to receive all-round care of the highest quality. This applies not only to the treatment of wounds, symptoms, etc., but also to the organisational workflow (patient preparation and treatment in the hospital, obligation to keep records, etc.) behind the scenes of the emergency. Since they introduced the new documentation system MEDEA implemented, work and management have improved significantly.
MEDEA is a mobile documentation software specially developed for emergency doctors and paramedics. The system supports and accelerates both the rescue operation and the subsequent care in the hospital: the software optimises the bidirectional flow of digitally secured data between the emergency doctor and the target hospital, thus initiating a continuous information chain that extends from alerting the Red Cross to billing the health insurance company.
Christine is now able to record all medically relevant data quickly and accurately on her laptop/tablet directly at the scene of the incident. In addition to the patient's personal data, she also records symptoms, medication and all initial measures taken. With MEDEA opened up new quality management possibilities for Christine and her paramedics. She likes the system so much that she immediately recommended it to her friends and colleagues in Germany, especially as the innovative software can be easily customised to the respective national protocol.