About ilogs

The Austrian e-Health expert.

ilogs healthcare

Demographic change is a continuing challenge for our society. The current social structure (of Europe) is characterised by declining birth rates and aging groups of people. This upheaval requires innovative solutions to make life easier, but above all safer, for the increasingly ageing segment of the population. Much of the care and support already takes place at home and this is also the focus of JAMES.

With a focus on SAFETY, HEALTHand COMMUNITY, JAMESoffers a variety of services for seniors and their environment in accordance with individual life situations. Its products, perfectly adapted to seniors, JAMESalready supports thousands of elderly people worldwide. The smart assistance system is part of the increasingly important field ofActive Assisted Living, or AALfor short. AAL systems can provide a better quality of life in old age with the help of innovative technologies and services.

The IT genius behind MOCCA, JAMES & Co.The IT genius behind MOCCA, JAMES & Co.

The IT expert offers high-quality software and services that focus on the digitisation of care and support outside the hospital. As the market leader in the field of mobile social services,ilogs healthcare also provides services to retirement and nursing homes as well as assisted living facilities.

The idea for JAMES TeleCare began in 2019 with the mission of enabling older people to enjoy more autonomy and safety in their everyday lives. ilogs healthcare, however, has been conducting more research in the AAL field since 2012 and is in active exchange with renowned research institutions in this regard. Supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), new technologies and services were tested and transferred to the market within the framework of various national and international R&D projects.

Today, ilogsoperates internationally and is increasingly establishing itself as a recognised e-health specialist in Europe.

The company is privately owned.

Company history


Foundation & Beginnings

  • In 2005 ilogs mobile software GmbH was founded in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee.
  • Development of a mobile time and activity recording system for all mobile care services of the province of Carinthia.
  • Equipment of large care facilities in Vienna


Expansion in various EU countries

  • MOCCAfor inpatient facilities in Vienna and Salzburg.


New partners

Start of the strategic partnership with the company RECOM GmbH.


MOCCA in Luxembourg

Rollout of MOCCAin Luxembourg.


Start of research activities

Start of research and development activities in the Active & Assisted Living environment.


MOCCA in Tyrol

Start of the MOCCA Mobile rollout in Tyrol.


First JAMES major customer from the USA

Founding of ilogs healthcare GmbH for international sales.


Projects & Extensions

  • Care for the chronically ill at home is being piloted in Vienna and Carinthia: Blood sugar, blood pressure, heart failure and weight are recorded at home and checked by specialist staff at the JAMES Care Centre on request.
  • MOCCA Chat is a secure messenger with video telephony for care providers and relatives.


JAMES on the road to success

  • For the first time, more than 10,000 emergency watchesare in use internationally.
  • The JAMES AAL platform is in great demand among professional care providers at home and abroad.


Smart innovations

  • In the context of the COVID pandemic, JAMES video telephony for the elderly is gaining tremendous popularity.
  • The JAMES emergency watch is being tested in combination with an oximeter to measure oxygen saturation.
  • The JAMES online shop successfully launches in December 2020.
  • Rollout of MOCCAfor 24h care.


Care about Care

ilogsis participating in the new EU research project Care about Care. The goal: to better support care thanks to digital helpers.


&copy 2024 by ilogs healthcare GmbH