ilogs healthcare

The Austrian e-health experts

Demographic change represents an ongoing challenge for our society. There is a shortage of labour in the care and support sector and financial expenditure is exploding. These challenges can be cushioned and optimised through digitalisation. The products from ILOGS healthcare enable this urgently needed digital transformation in the care sector. Optimisation and digitalisation in social facilities, the provision of state-of-the-art technology for employees in the field and the greatest possible support for older people in their home environment are the key features of ILOGS technologies and services.

the IT expertise behind JAMES & Co

The IT expert offers high-quality software and services that focus on the digitalisation of care and support outside the hospital. As the market leader in the field of mobile social / outpatient services ilogs healthcare  other sectors in the social field.

The idea for JAMES TeleCare began back in 2014 with the vision of giving older people more autonomy and safety in their everyday lives. ilogs healthcare has been conducting more research in the field of AAL and is in active dialogue with renowned research institutions. Supported by the Austrian research organisation (FFG), new technologies and services were trialled and transferred to the market as part of various national and international R&D projects.

Today is ilogs operates internationally and is increasingly establishing itself as a recognised e-health specialist in Europe.

The company is privately owned.

ilogs healthcare GmbH

Austria (head office)
Crown place 1
A-9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Tel. +43 (0) 463 305 003

Konrad-Zuse-Platz 8
DE-81829 Munich
Phone +49 (0) 89 541 960 430

&copy 2024 by ilogs healthcare GmbH